Known as the 8 Marvelous Ones - also as the extraordinary meridians - Qi Jing Ba Mai are the deepest energy pathways in the body. They support the quality of our body, mind, and psychic energies. When they are strong and flowing we can move seamlessly through our personal karmic ties. In disarray, our whole essence can be out of alignment - and lack the clarity of our soul’s mission.
By understanding the nature of these internal pathways, we can guard our psychic energy from malicious influences - and stay within our protected center. In this course we will explore the pathway, function, and disharmonies of the 8 meridians. Acupressure, Qi movement exercises, and key strategies will be given for each.
Class will be held live online via Zoom. A link to join the class will be sent after you register. A recording of the class will be sent - even if you are absent for live class.
Price: $22
Register by Clicking HERE