Without courage, we cant love and be in the flow of life. Courage is strong as the ocean and as soft as the morning dew. Courage is the opposite of fear and arises from anchoring in the wisdom of our soul. Everybody has the healing light inside, and we have the ability to heal and nurture ourselves through connecting to our inner power and courage.
We will stay in beautiful countryside spiritual center in Stara Kamienca, Poland, not far from Harrachov, 2.5-3 hours drive from Prague or 25 minutes from Harrachov. Accomodations offered are double and triple rooms each with their own bathroom. Inquire about private bedroom.
The yoga program is an intensive - including a morning and afternoon session every day. Each night will offer a meditation or gong sound bath. If you’d like to greet the Sun, you can also join for the optional before sunrise practice (sadhana).
Lessons will be held in English with Czech Translation.